

線上 學 英文

喬治·馬丁(George R.R. Martin)終於透露稱《權力的遊戲》(Game of Thrones)的一位重要角色還活著。

George R.R. Martin has finally revealed that a major “Game of Thrones” character is still alive.

喬治·馬丁(George R.R. Martin)終於透露稱《權力的遊戲》(Game of Thrones)的一位重要角色還活著。

But no, it’s not Jon Snow. According to Martin, Stannis Baratheon is definitely still alive in the books. After a fan commented on Martin’s Livejournal page this week asking whether Stannis is alive or dead, Martin responded, “In my books? Alive, beyond a doubt.”

但他說的不是瓊·雪諾(Jon Snow),根據馬丁的說法,史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩(Stannis Baratheon)在原著中還活著。當一位粉絲這周在馬丁的博客下評論問道史坦尼斯是否還活著時,馬丁回復說:“在我的書裡?毫無疑問,他當然活著。”

Of course, just because the character is alive in the books does not necessarily mean he is alive in the series, as David Benioff and D.B. Weiss frequently have deviated from the plot of the books. However, the camera cut away just as Brienne of Tarth was about to deliver the final blow to the contender for the Iron Throne.

當然啦,在原著中活著的角色並不一定代表他在電視劇中也是如此,大衛·貝尼奧夫(David Benioff)和D·B·魏斯(D.B. Weiss)經常偏離原著發展劇情。不過,當塔斯傢族的佈蕾妮(Brienne)正要向這位鐵王座的爭奪者發起最後一擊時,鏡頭恰好轉向瞭別處。

Fans of the series have been speculating on Stannis’ return since the season finale, after his army was summarily defeated by the Boltons at Winterfell. But the speculation regarding Stannis has been nothing compared to the speculation surrounding Jon Snow.


Fans have been theorizing as to how Snow could return to the show, with a number of theories gaining significant traction online. Among the most popular is that Lady Melisandre will resurrect Snow after he was killed by his brothers of the Night’s Watch.

粉絲們一直在分析雪諾回歸的各種可能,其中一些看法在網上得到瞭大眾認可,而最火的一條是梅麗珊卓(Lady Melisandre)將雪諾復活。






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