

英文 課程

A British woman has baked the world s most expensive cake which has so many precious gems it is worth 48.5 million.英國一女子烤出瞭世界上最貴的蛋糕,價值4850萬英鎊,因為蛋糕上有許多貴重的寶石。

Debbie Wingham has created a 6ft long replication of a runway that includes edible models of Vogue editor Anna Wintour looking on as a model goes down the catwalk.黛比 威漢制作瞭一條6英尺長的模型走道,上面除瞭有正在走秀的模特模型,還有《Vogue》雜志主編安娜 溫圖爾的模型,這些模型都是可以吃的。

It is made up of some 4000 rare stones including a 5.2 carat pink diamond a 6.4 yellow diamond.蛋糕上有4000顆稀世寶石,其中包括瞭一顆5.2克拉的粉色鉆石和一顆6.4克拉的黃色鉆石。

In total the massive cake weighs some 70 stone - the same as a fully grown grizzly bear.這個巨型蛋糕重70英石,跟一隻成年灰熊一樣重。

Miss Wingham was commissioned to make the cake by a wealthy client in the UAE, whose name has not been revealed.威漢小姐是受一阿拉伯富豪所托制作這個蛋糕的,這個富豪的名字沒有被公開。

The cake itself is not even the focus of the project; instead it is to showcase the stones that will be given to the client s daughter to mark her birthday and her engagement.這個計劃的重點其實不是蛋糕本身,而是陳列其上的寶石。這些寶石是客戶送給他女兒的禮物,用來慶祝她的生日和訂婚。

The front row, which includes Miss Wintour, all have edible designer handbags and are carrying smartphones and tablets.坐在第一排的人,包括溫圖爾小姐,都帶著可以吃的名牌手提包,手上也都拿著智能手機和平板電腦。

In total there are 15 five carat white diamonds, 76 two carat black diamonds and 62 two carat white diamonds.蛋糕上總共有15顆5克拉的白鉆石、76顆2克拉的黑鉆石和62顆2克拉的白鉆石。

The runway is adorned with 400 one carat diamonds, 75 three carat white diamonds and 75 three carat black diamonds.走道上裝飾有400顆1克拉的鉆石、75顆3克拉的白鉆石和75顆3克拉的黑鉆石。

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