20世紀90年代末,意大利軟件開發者弗朗西斯科·西裡洛給世人帶來瞭他的“番茄工作法”(Pomodoro Technique),隨後的十多年以來,所有辦公室都成為瞭免受幹擾,能夠高質量完成工作的場所。
西裡洛以外型類似番茄,尤其是波莫多羅番茄的紅色廚房計時器來命名這一方法。每個計時器最多可以設定25分鐘,西裡洛把它設為一個新單位“番茄時間”( Pomodoro)。他認為,這是完成任務的理想時長。西裡洛表示,短時間爆發式的工作能幫助你保持專註,免受焦慮的困擾。
盡管番茄工作法很簡單,隻需要一個計時器,但如今一些出色的技術幫助它在21世紀流行瞭起來。Marinara Timer的網站能讓你定制計時器,且不需安裝。而Tomato Timer則更加簡單,它隻向用戶提供25分鐘的計時器,以及一些快捷鍵來開始、停止和決定休息時間。
你還可以安裝由西裡洛開發的Simple Pomodoro。當你準備工作時,點擊瀏覽器上的西紅柿圖標,就能開始瞭。它會在25分鐘到瞭以後彈出提示框。Strict Workflow則更進一步,它能屏蔽一些讓你分心的網站。這兩個工具都支持Chrome瀏覽器。
IOS的計時器Focus Keeper可以記錄你之前保持專註的時長。而對安卓(Android)用戶而言,Timesheet是個不錯的選擇。(財富中文網)
In the late 1990s Francesco Cirillo, an Italian software designer, introduced the world to the Pomodoro Technique, and decades since, every office has become a distraction-free sanctuary of quality work.
No, it didn’t happen quite like that, and today there are even more distractions out there. So with that in mind, we’d like to bring back the Pomodoro Technique. It could be what finally saves us from checking Facebook and scrolling through Instagram while we should be getting stuff done.
Cirillo named his technique after those red kitchen timers that look like tomatoes, specifically Pomodoro tomatoes. Each timer can be set for a max of 25 minutes, or a unit of time Cirillo coined “the Pomodoro”, which he believes is the optimal time to work on a task. Working in short bursts will help you concentrate and focus without anxiety, according to Cirillo.
You start by making a log of projects and activities that need doing, breaking down larger projects into chunks you can accomplish in 25 minutes. After each task is complete “X” it off and take a three-to-five minute break.
The first rule about Pomodoro Technique is: you talk to everyone about Pomodoro Technique. When your coworkers learn about your amazing new productivity plan, they’re more likely to stop interrupting you during your 25-minute Pomodoro intervals. Cirillo believes a Pomodoro must never be interrupted – no word on his ever working in an open office.
Although the Pomodoro Technique is simple and only requires a timer, there is some cool tech out there to help bring the method into the 21st century. The Marinara Timer website allows you to set custom timers. No installation required. Tomato Timer is even simpler, offering users just the 25-minute option and various keyword shortcuts to start, stop, and determine break time.
Install Simple Pomodoro, which was developed by Cirillo, and when you’re ready to start a task click the tomato icon on your browser and get started. A popup alerts you when 25 minutes is up. Strict Workflow goes a step further and blocks certain distracting websites. Both are available for Chrome.
The IOS app Focus Keeper is a timer that also tracks how long you’ve kept your focus in the past. For Android users, Timesheet offers a good alternative.
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