吐XD英文聽說讀寫...我的下巴掉了...!自駕出遊5個貼士 教你合理收拾行李
When you go on a road trip, do you overpack or underpack? How do you travelwith children and pets? I've learned to go somewhere in the middle. Whether thedestination is a 2-hour or over 16-hour trip, planning, organization andflexibility are key to keeping one's sanity.
Give yourself at least a week to prepare.
I usually start packing a week in advance, that way I'm not rushing at thelast minute to get everything together. It's not even perfect but I do somethingas ridiculously simple as getting the suitcases out and laying them in the spareroom or some open space and just start with one or two things I know I'llneed.
Write a checklist.
I also have a checklist with boxes to tick off on Evernote. Those I use forthe longer trips. By now I have it down pat though, so a mental checklist workstoo. If you're not sure where to get started, head over to Pinterest and searchfor "packing" or "travel lists" where there are many great detailed checklistsyou can then either use as is or tweak to fit your needs.
Pack food and drinks.
Pack enough food that you're not hangry (hungry/angry) but not too muchthat you're overloaded. Pack healthier foods to eat on the road so you don'thave to rely on junk food. We bring those coolers with wheels that you could putice packs in and they'll keep food and drinks cool.
Pack enough for emergencies.
I've found having an emergency first kit, extra diapers, clothes, plasticbags, snacks and water bottles on hand is always a good idea. For pets, we keepmeals, snacks, plastic bags, water and dishes handy. We also have handsanitizer, wipes, paper towels, toilet paper and an empty jar for otheremergencies.
Pre-charge all devices.
Get all devices like cell phones, tablets, Kindle readers charged. Alsohave extra batteries or chargers on hand. Allow yourself plenty of time to getto your destination safely.
If you are able to, travel during off-peak hours so you're not neck-to-neckin traffic with other road travelers. Have Google Maps or other traffic appsready for review so you could seekalternate routes in case you're stuck intraffic.
Finally on the road, opt for safety above all things. Err on the side ofcaution and keep a good following distance if at all possible.
Take breaks if you need to, especially if there are scenic points withpicnic benches where you could eat.
Enjoy the ride and the time spent with family. Think of the memories youcreate from traveling with those you love.
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