
英文 課程

Shipping, initially derived from the word relationship, is thedesire byfans for two people, either real-life celebrities or fictionalcharacters, to bein a relationship, romantic or otherwise.Shipping often takes the form ofcreative works, including fanfiction and fan art, most often published on theinternet.


Shipping can involve virtually any kind of relationship: from thewell-known and established, to theambiguous or those undergoing development, andeven to the highly improbable or blatantlyimpossible. Though "shipping" usuallyrefers to romantic relationships, it can also refer to simplefriendships; thissubset is sometimes known as "friendshipping", or a "BrOTP" (aportmanteau of theterms bromance and one true pairing). Shipping in fan fiction betweena same-sexcouple is also known as slash fiction, an older term and concept that dates tothe late1970s.

這種粉絲配對基本會產生各種關系:有眾所周知的和已經明確的關系,也有曖昧不清或尚需發展的關系,甚至還有完全不可能的關系。雖說這種配對多指戀愛關系,有時也可以指單純的友情,這個分支也被稱為friendshipping(友情配對),或者簡稱為BrOTP(好基友bromance和最棒配對onetrue pairing的合成形式)。粉絲文學中同性伴侶的配對故事也叫slash fiction(同人小說),這個說法可以追溯到上世紀70年代。

In anime/manga communities, shipping is more commonly referred to aspairing(s); in Filipino popculture, it is frequently called loveteam(s). In EastAsian contexts, the practice is also referred to ascoupling or CP.




▼攻其不背 學習心得:密集學習一個月,換來多益金色證書的肯定


什麼是 翻譯?- 維基百科


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